Monday, 18 November 2019

Tranformation Learning story


Monday, 11 November 2019

Languages Learning Story

Languages Learning Story

Write to describe what normally happens when you go to your
language class.  
Include details like
-who is your teacher
-what language you’re learning
-why you go to that language/why it’s important to you.
-how confident you feel in that language
-some of the things you’ve learnt this year
-highlights of this year in your language class

Every Tuesday I go to Cook island class with my teacher Abby.
  So in my Cook island class we start off by doing the worksheet
our teacher Abby gives us and then after we play a game in cook island 
like playing hangman and guessing the work in cook island and finish
of by playing the drums, but sometime Abby forgets to bring the drum
sticks and we don't get to play the drums and then we go back to class
. I go to Cook island language class because its my language and its
important to me because Its my culture and its good for me to learn
how to speak my language. I'm not quite confident in my language
because I don’t understand what the words mean. Sometimes I understand
but I also don't know how to pronounce the words. Some things that I’ve
learnt this year was the colours in Cook Island, basic words and
how to introduce ourselves and our family also  learning how to drumming,
dancing and learning to pronounce the words. My highlight of this year
in my language class was learning to pronounce the Cook Island words because I can learn to say a sentence in Cook Island.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Poetry Writing Learning Story

Poetry Writing Learning Story

In Term 3, I was learning to write different types of poems
The poems we learnt about have special features. 

One of the poems I learnt about was Acrostic 

It’s special features are Acrostic poems are easy to write. 
The name of the person, a place or a thing is written in
capital letters vertically down the page. Each capital letter
starts a new line of the poem. Each line describes the person,
place or thing.

I tried to write my own one.  

Here it is. 

Loving, kind lion’s sitting in the sun 
Increasing their body together  
On top of the cave is fat Pumba 
Now the lion cub is born  

Knowing it’s here  the new king is born
Independent king ready and away
Now Mufasa is dead   
Going to be king the lion cub said 

I want you to notice the interesting words I used 

I got some feedback on my poem which I  liked that it
describes the movie-Tyrell I think you should change the
  ready and away to ready to rule- whea vicky

I then tried to re-work my poem and now I’ve got this.
 Loving, kind lion’s sitting in the sun 
Increasing their body together  
On top of the cave is fat Pumba 
Now the lion cub is born  

Knowing it’s here  the new king is born
Independent king ready to rule
Now Mufasa is dead   
Going to be king the lion cub said