Monday, 18 November 2019
Monday, 11 November 2019
Languages Learning Story
Languages Learning Story
Write to describe what normally happens when you go to your
language class.
language class.
Include details like
-who is your teacher
-what language you’re learning
-why you go to that language/why it’s important to you.
-how confident you feel in that language
-some of the things you’ve learnt this year
-highlights of this year in your language class
Every Tuesday I go to Cook island class with my teacher Abby.
So in my Cook island class we start off by doing the worksheet
our teacher Abby gives us and then after we play a game in cook island
like playing hangman and guessing the work in cook island and finish
of by playing the drums, but sometime Abby forgets to bring the drum
sticks and we don't get to play the drums and then we go back to class
. I go to Cook island language class because its my language and its
important to me because Its my culture and its good for me to learn
how to speak my language. I'm not quite confident in my language
because I don’t understand what the words mean. Sometimes I understand
but I also don't know how to pronounce the words. Some things that I’ve
. I go to Cook island language class because its my language and its
important to me because Its my culture and its good for me to learn
how to speak my language. I'm not quite confident in my language
because I don’t understand what the words mean. Sometimes I understand
but I also don't know how to pronounce the words. Some things that I’ve
learnt this year was the colours in Cook Island, basic words and
how to introduce ourselves and our family also learning how to drumming,
how to introduce ourselves and our family also learning how to drumming,
dancing and learning to pronounce the words. My highlight of this year
in my language class was learning to pronounce the Cook Island words because I can learn to say a sentence in Cook Island.
in my language class was learning to pronounce the Cook Island words because I can learn to say a sentence in Cook Island.
Monday, 4 November 2019
Poetry Writing Learning Story
Poetry Writing Learning Story
In Term 3, I was learning to write different types of poems.
The poems we learnt about have special features.
The poems we learnt about have special features.
One of the poems I learnt about was Acrostic
It’s special features are Acrostic poems are easy to write.
The name of the person, a place or a thing is written in
capital letters vertically down the page. Each capital letter
starts a new line of the poem. Each line describes the person,
place or thing.
The name of the person, a place or a thing is written in
capital letters vertically down the page. Each capital letter
starts a new line of the poem. Each line describes the person,
place or thing.
I tried to write my own one.
Here it is.
Loving, kind lion’s sitting in the sun
Increasing their body together
On top of the cave is fat Pumba
Now the lion cub is born
Knowing it’s here the new king is born
Independent king ready and away
Now Mufasa is dead
Going to be king the lion cub said
I want you to notice the interesting words I used
I got some feedback on my poem which I liked that it
describes the movie-Tyrell I think you should change the
ready and away to ready to rule- whea vicky
describes the movie-Tyrell I think you should change the
ready and away to ready to rule- whea vicky
I then tried to re-work my poem and now I’ve got this.
Loving, kind lion’s sitting in the sun
Increasing their body together
On top of the cave is fat Pumba
Now the lion cub is born
Knowing it’s here the new king is born
Independent king ready to rule
Now Mufasa is dead
Going to be king the lion cub said
Thursday, 5 September 2019
Reading learning story
Term 3 Reading
I have been building my skills as a reader.
I’m going to share about how I know I’ve been successful
as a reader.
as a reader.
This is what helps me be a good reader
*use pictures as a clue.
*Finding out what the author wants me to know.
*Bookmark helps me to remember my success criteria
and learning goals.
and learning goals.
*Sounding out the words I don't know.
My book is called The Refugees ch. 1&2
The author is Janice Marriott
It is a chapter book
I was a good reader when I was reading my book to
myself and understanding what happened. I understood
what had happened because they had to leave their house
and see their mum get pulled from the hair. I pictured a
picture in my head and I connected my feelings to the book.
I felt emotional.
myself and understanding what happened. I understood
what had happened because they had to leave their house
and see their mum get pulled from the hair. I pictured a
picture in my head and I connected my feelings to the book.
I felt emotional.
This helped me because I didn’t know some words,
but then I figured it out at the end. There was a hard word
for me was angrily. It was sad when I felt emotions with
the character in my story, I understood it better.
but then I figured it out at the end. There was a hard word
for me was angrily. It was sad when I felt emotions with
the character in my story, I understood it better.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Polyfest learning story
‘’Line up’’ shouted Kate.
I’m in the changing room waiting for my dress for the Cook Island group.
I’m am nervous but ready to perform for my family. I need to smile and dance.
I’m excited as well. The last few practices have been hard but I got the moves
done. In the last practices I got my actions right then I worked on smiling,
I pretty much know all my actions. I like my costume and it fits me perfectly.
When I perform I did my actions at the right time. When I spin around in
my dress felt like I was on a big cloud. My favorite part was dancing to
the drums. Learning the actions were easy.
I’m am nervous but ready to perform for my family. I need to smile and dance.
I’m excited as well. The last few practices have been hard but I got the moves
done. In the last practices I got my actions right then I worked on smiling,
I pretty much know all my actions. I like my costume and it fits me perfectly.
When I perform I did my actions at the right time. When I spin around in
my dress felt like I was on a big cloud. My favorite part was dancing to
the drums. Learning the actions were easy.
‘’Hurry up’’ shouted Helen
I was getting ready for kapa haka and when I got my dress I needed to find a
to put my bag. I was looking for my feather. I asked my friends
‘’where did they get the black lipstick?’. They said, “It’s in the bathroom.”
When I performed with my group I felt proud and strong.
to put my bag. I was looking for my feather. I asked my friends
‘’where did they get the black lipstick?’. They said, “It’s in the bathroom.”
When I performed with my group I felt proud and strong.
On the night, I was changed and ready to perform on stage.
I was excited and nervous. I was on the stage. The music started, I danced
and did my actions. I also smiled. I had butterflies in my tummy. In my Cook
Island group, I couldn't find my dress but I found it. I was talking to my friends
that I was scared but I did it. In the Cook Island group, I thought I did well
because I swung my hips and danced.
I was excited and nervous. I was on the stage. The music started, I danced
and did my actions. I also smiled. I had butterflies in my tummy. In my Cook
Island group, I couldn't find my dress but I found it. I was talking to my friends
that I was scared but I did it. In the Cook Island group, I thought I did well
because I swung my hips and danced.
After my Cook Island group, I went to Kapa Haka I. First I took off my Cook
Island dress in the bathroom, I put on my Kapa Haka dress. I went into the
meetup space to get my black lipstick and got my band and feather. We were
all lined up in your lines and practicing our song and actions. I felt scared but
proud of myself for doing kapa haka. We were on stage coming in, I got in line.
‘’Whakapiri’’ said Praise. We sang and did the haka as well as our action song.
At the end, the whole school sang We stand up we stand tall. Then my mum
came and picked me up at the end of the performance. My mum said that
the dancing was lovely and beautiful.
Island dress in the bathroom, I put on my Kapa Haka dress. I went into the
meetup space to get my black lipstick and got my band and feather. We were
all lined up in your lines and practicing our song and actions. I felt scared but
proud of myself for doing kapa haka. We were on stage coming in, I got in line.
‘’Whakapiri’’ said Praise. We sang and did the haka as well as our action song.
At the end, the whole school sang We stand up we stand tall. Then my mum
came and picked me up at the end of the performance. My mum said that
the dancing was lovely and beautiful.
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Padlet Learning Story
We have been learning about a new tool to show our learning. Our tool was a padlet.
You can make arrows that connect ideas or pieces of information.
You can add pictures to show you idea or information.
You can make arrows that connect ideas or pieces of information.
You can add pictures to show you idea or information.
We have used a padlet to communicate our ideas about the stories we've learnt about Porirua.
We've been thinking about how knowing our past helps us prepare for our future.
We've been thinking about how knowing our past helps us prepare for our future.
I made some connections on Lijacana’s padlet.
I connected to New Zealand because that where we live, also because George Gray wanted our land.
I connected to land/whenua because it connects to New Zealand and the treaty.
I connected to land/whenua because it connects to New Zealand and the treaty.
I connected to the treaty because when you sign something, you have to keep your promise
just like we did in mindfulness.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
My Choice Learning
Kapa Haka is a thing that I love to do now because it’s all about culture and who you are.
It was the thing I loved ever since last year in kapa haka. I enjoyed it but when I first started I
was not sure about it but I pushed through and I did. It takes a lot of effort. It was a challenge
for me. You need to be strong and disciplined when your kapa haka teacher matua Todd is there
he also is tall and maori. When you go to kapa haka you need to have sharp actions and
a pukana face with a loud voice. There's also this song we just learnt and it called E ng iwi e.
It’s a maori song and I’m in the junior kapa haka because there was too much kids in kapa
haka so we had to split into two groups.
It was the thing I loved ever since last year in kapa haka. I enjoyed it but when I first started I
was not sure about it but I pushed through and I did. It takes a lot of effort. It was a challenge
for me. You need to be strong and disciplined when your kapa haka teacher matua Todd is there
he also is tall and maori. When you go to kapa haka you need to have sharp actions and
a pukana face with a loud voice. There's also this song we just learnt and it called E ng iwi e.
It’s a maori song and I’m in the junior kapa haka because there was too much kids in kapa
haka so we had to split into two groups.
Tivaevae are for your bed sometimes also for putting on your
lap for weddings or 21st birthdays. Also they can be used for
decorating your room.The Cook Island mama's always make
one. It can also take 2 weeks to make one tivaevae but it
depends on if you do it all day. Tivaevae are a thing the
Cook Islanders do and sometimes it's hard to make designs
and to match the colors. Also you give it as a gift to people as
raffles or prizes to save up for your trips.
lap for weddings or 21st birthdays. Also they can be used for
decorating your room.The Cook Island mama's always make
one. It can also take 2 weeks to make one tivaevae but it
depends on if you do it all day. Tivaevae are a thing the
Cook Islanders do and sometimes it's hard to make designs
and to match the colors. Also you give it as a gift to people as
raffles or prizes to save up for your trips.
The jobs are to be able to know the right colors and sheets of
colors for the background and to sew it nicely and the right
material you need. You also have to be fully committed
to making a tivaevae because it takes time and effort to sew
all day and it's pretty big depending on how big your
background sheet.
colors for the background and to sew it nicely and the right
material you need. You also have to be fully committed
to making a tivaevae because it takes time and effort to sew
all day and it's pretty big depending on how big your
background sheet.
The skills that you need to make a tivaevae is teamwork also
effort. We can make these skills by team work like working
together and giving effort to try and be fully committed.
Like I said and it takes time.
Also work together by working as a team when we in learning
time in a maths group. One for all. All for one.
effort. We can make these skills by team work like working
together and giving effort to try and be fully committed.
Like I said and it takes time.
Also work together by working as a team when we in learning
time in a maths group. One for all. All for one.
Marino's Add/Sub Learning Maths Story
Marino’s Maths learning Story
The Problem:
Marino and Julie are in Rarotonga celebrating Poppa Joe’s
unveiling. 235 people were invited to the celebration but then 68 people didn’t show up. How many people came to the unveiling?
What different ways can you solve this problem?
How we solved the problem:
First I drew an equation which was 235 -68=
Then I split the 68 into 34 and 34. Then I did 235- 34=201. Then 201-34=167
Finally I found out that there was only 167 people at the unveiling.
Another way to solve the problem
First I wrote 235- 68=.Then I wrote ,68+2 =70. Then 235- 70 =165.Then 165+2 =167. Then 235
I added 2 because 70 is easier to subtract. Then I had to make up for it later by adding back
on the extra 2 I took away.
Finally I proved that there was only 167 people at the unveiling.
Working as a group is important: Choose 2 to write about
I am good at…. because….
I am getting better at ….. because …..
It’s hard for me …… because …...
I need to work on because….
It’s hard for me to share my ideas because I disagree by friendly arguing with people.
It’s hard for me to work in my maths group because I like to hold the pen a lot but I need to
get better at sharing the pen.
get better at sharing the pen.
Mult/Div Learning Story
Marino’s Maths learning Story
The Problem:
Tickets for Matatini
On Saturday, Kate and Sophia took some students to watch
Matatini for the day. There were 4 adults and 9 children. How much did Kate pay for the tickets? |
How we solved the problem:
First I drew an equation which was 9x22=
Then I drew a T chart which looked like this. Then I add all the money like this $65+ $130= $195.Then I did $195+$152+ $88=$435
I finally found out that kate paid $ 435 for the tickets for 9 kids and 4 adults
I’m trying to show how much money kate paid by using a t chart |
Monday, 8 April 2019
One time during play I wandered off then I ended up at the woodworks. I heard the banging sounds from the hammers. I grabbed some pieces of wood and started playing around and putting pieces on top of each other. Then I asked Karleena to help me hold the wood while I hammered in the nail. It took a long time to hammer the nail in because the wood was thick and the nail was small and not long.
Dress ups
Another time when I walked into room 5. There were some dress ups. I saw Karleena wearing a long see through and clear material on her head and a silver band on her head to hold it. Then she dressed Jasmine up and Jasmine was wearing a scarf on her head and a dress with one crutch and when Karleena left I took off all the clothes she was wearing and put a nice skirt and left the crutch. Then I was finished and I took off.
In room 4, me and my friends were making puppets and then we used green paint. Then we got dirty and I didn’t know what to do so then I just grabbed a cup and cut a love heart out. Then painted the round of the cup on the top and bottom. Then I cut a little hole and tied a long string to the cup and let it dry but I still didn’t know what I made.
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